Monday, 28 January 2013

Eyeliner Pen & Gel Eyeliner Essence

Why those two? Well because they are my preference! And god knows I wear the liner every day!

The most end is the eyeliner pen 
and the largest is the gel

To start extra longlasting eyeliner pen

I like many eyeliners already shaped felt, because the application is done like clockwork. Here is really the case, the trait that made ​​all at once. It does not dry too quickly, which is often the case. The product is fairly liquid and pigmentations are perfect. It stays all day without losing color. There are quite comparable to ELF.

Then the gel eyeliner

What I do not like usually with gels is, if not at the proper equipment, we will not go far! So I try different eyeliner brush to apply it and the result remains the same. Very good application, just enough liquid to form the line perfectly. Pigmentation better than the pen. The dress is impeccable. In short, as perfect as the eyeliner pen.

Eyeliner Pen

Gel Eyeliner

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