Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Lagos State Proceeds With “Eko Atlantic” Project That Caused Ocean Surge

The Lagos State Government today fenced out all occupants of the coastline of Kuramo Beach to continue the construction of the Eko Atlantic City that environmentalists blame for an ocean surge that killed more than 16 people three days ago.The government also burnt down all the shanties on the shoreline that were used for petty commercial activities.

The Lagos Commissioner for Physical Planning and Urban Development, Toyin Ayinde, visited the site today and stated that critics of the Eko Atlantic Project were speaking out of ignorance. He said the state could not be faulted for undertaking the mega project on the water. He accused those occupying the coastline of doing so illegally.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Why Does Rihanna Still Love Chris Brown?

  Considering reports she and Chris Brown are sneaking back together again.... and given also the brutal brawl over her between Brown and Drake... Would love to read your thoughts on the issue."

  Tthe interview Rihanna had with Orah aired last night, so many questions came to my mind that I wanted to discuss.

Rihanna said she had forgiven Chris Brown and that she still loves him. She called him her true love, and said she was worried after pictures of her beat-up face appeared, not wanting people to consider him a monster, but to realize he also needed help.

She explained how it took forgiving and reconciling with her father, who had abused her mother, to see her relationship with her ex-boyfriend with new eyes. She was then able to not only forgive him, but also accept her continuing love for him. Oprah said she was shocked to hear that, and I was surprised too.

Thinking about it though, I don't know them, I don't know their story. She may have some other details she's not sharing that means what she's saying makes sense to her. Otherwise, how can she say, “We built up a trust again. And that’s it. We love each other and we probably always will.”

This brings to mind the whole "Stockholm's Syndrome", a scenario where hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, and it’s almost impossible not to see classic signs of that in Rihanna’s words. She sounds like a victim of abuse who refuses to blame her abuser and instead, shoulders some of the blame herself. On this blog, I have discussed some victims who lived with their abusive husbands until they died.

On the other hand, I had to respect Rihanna's eloquence and grasp of herself. Taken in a different way, her words could be the expression of a big heart, and a clue that she can forgive and forget, an admirable quality in anyone, and especially in relationships.

What is your take? Do you think Rihanna forgiving Chris Brown is a sign of strength of character, or is she just an unhealed victim of an abusive relationship?

Monday, 20 August 2012

Working moms are healthier than stay-at-home moms

      Working moms striving to “have it all” now can add another perk to their list of benefits — health. New research from University of Akron Assistant Sociology Professor Adrianne Frech finds that moms who work full time are healthier at age 40 than stay-at-home moms, moms who work part time, or moms who have some work history, but are repeatedly unemployed.
       Accounting for pre-pregnancy employment, race/ethnicity, cognitive ability, single motherhood, prior health conditions and age at first birth, the research reveals that the choices women make early in their professional careers can affect their health later in life. Women who return full time to the workforce shortly after having children report better mental and physical health, i.e. greater mobility, more energy, less depression, etc. at age 40.
“Work is good for your health, both mentally and physically,” says Frech. “It gives women a sense of purpose, self-efficacy, control and autonomy. They have a place where they are an expert on something, and they’re paid a wage.”
Rather than fueling the “Mommy Wars” debate, which pits stay-at-home moms against working moms, Frech believes that a recently identified group — she calls this group “persistently unemployed” — deserves further attention, as they appear to be the least healthy at age 40. These women are in and out of the workforce, often not by choice, and experience the highs and lows of finding rewarding work only to lose it and start the cycle again.
“Struggling to hold onto a job or being in constant job search mode wears on their health, especially mentally, but also physically,” says Frech.
According to Frech, working full time has myriad benefits, while part-time work offers lower pay, poor chances of promotion, less job security and fewer benefits. Mothers who stay at home may face financial dependence and greater social isolation. Persistent unemployment is a health risk for women, as stress from work instability can cause physical health problems.
“Women with interrupted employment face more job-related barriers than other women, or cumulative disadvantages over time,” says Frech. “If women can make good choices before their first pregnancy, they likely will be better off health-wise later. Examples of good choices could be delaying your first birth until you’re married and done with your education, or not waiting a long time before returning to the workforce.”
Frech says there is hope for young women. She advises young women to get an education and build a work history before having a first child.
“Don’t let critical life transitions like marriage and parenthood mean that you invest any less in your education and work aspirations, because women are the ones who end up making more trade-offs for family” Frech says. “Work makes you healthier. You will have the opportunity to save a nest egg. Also, should a divorce happen, it is harder to enter the workforce if you don’t have a solid work history. Don’t give up on work and education.”
From a societal perspective, Frech says that offering childcare and transportation resources to single mothers could result in better employment options for that population.

Eating Oatmeal and How It Can Benefit You

Taking in a nice bowl of oatmeal every morning is a great way to begin your day. I will try to explain in his article some of the benefits of eating oatmeal along with different ways you can prepare oatmeal to have it taste more to your liking.
oatmeal benefits
First let’s get this straight, the oatmeal I am discussing here is not the kind that is instant that is available in many different flavors. Flavors that are full of sugar. The oatmeal that you should be using is the plain old oat flakes from either Quaker Oats or a brand that is similar.
The benefits that come from eating oatmeal are mainly because it is made from whole oats. It is theses oats that are a great provider of both insoluble and soluble fiber.
Here are six benefits of eating oatmeal:
1. Studies are beginning to show that people who consume more oats are not as likely to develop heart disease, a disease that is very widespread all throughout the United States.
2. Insoluble fiber’s may have cancer-fighting properties. This is thought to happen because it attacks specific bile acids, lowering their toxicity factors.
3. Soluble fiber can bring down LDL cholesterol all without reducing HDL cholesterol. HDL is good. LDL is bad
4. Soluble fiber has the ability to slow down the digestion of starch. This just might be a benefit to diabetics. When you slow down the digestion of starch, you can avoid the sharp increases in your blood sugar level that usually happens right after a meal is eaten.
5. There may be cancer-fighting properties in the phytochemicals in oats.
6. Oats are a great source of many healthy nutrients including zinc, vitamin E, copper, selenium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Many do not know that oats are also a pretty good source of protein.
The difference between soluble and insoluble fiber, besides the foods that may contain them, is exactly what they do in your body.
Soluble fiber will break down when it travels in the digestive tract, which then will form a gel which captures some substances that may contain high cholesterol, which leads to lowering the ability to absorb cholesterol in the bloodstream. Insoluble fiber’s main objective is that it makes your stools heavier and speeds up their passage through the gut, relieving constipation. .
         One thing that many dislike about eating oatmeal is that oatmeal has a pretty dull taste. This may be why it makes it difficult for the average person to eat it every morning. Here are some ways that may make it more enjoyable to eat.
1. Try including Stevia powder to the oatmeal. This will naturally give you a sweeter taste without adding sugar.
2. Prepare the oatmeal with milk instead of water. This will also give you extra protein and calcium.
3. Mix in your favorite protein powder to it after it has been cooked. This will improve the taste and give you a nice amount of protein. Combining your protein powder and milk will give you a meal that is high in protein, calcium, and fiber!
4. Try adding fruit such as blueberries to your oatmeal.
Your goal should be to try to eat about 1 cooked cup of oatmeal every morning to get all the health benefits of eating oatmeal. Try different methods of preparation to find a taste you may fall in love with and to enjoy a healthy start to your day. Your body and your heart will thank you for it.

Get a life and stay out of mine!


Efe was so conflicted that she didn’t know where to start. How was she to know how he truly felt about her? Did he have any plans of them being together beyond having sex? Would he truly accept her word over that of his parents after seven years apart? Did he trust her enough? And would his parents accept the relationship this time around?

“Hmm-m,” Kevwe cleared his throat before speaking. Her gaze flashed to his immediately. He wished they would do this some other time. Her defensive vibe had rubbed off on him and it wouldn’t help the coming conversation in any way. “I am willing to enter the future with an open mind, but I can see you’re not.”

She looked at him. “Your parents never liked me, let’s just forget about it.”

He fixed her with an unflinching gaze. “It is because you didn’t go through the torture I did, that’s why you can speak so lightly of it...”

The accusation was more powerful for the quiet tone in which it had been made. Efe also spoke quietly but with no less force. “It took me some good years of my life to get over you too, and they were not easy years either.”

“Are you saying you’re over me?” He closed his eyes and bent his head. He was afraid of what he would see in her reply.

“And what if I am?” Her tone was a challenge. Efe wouldn’t allow him to see her crumbled heart. She wasn’t over him, seven years and counting.

The clock ticked in the loud silence, the only movement in the room.

Kevwe raised his head slowly. “That wasn’t the message I got last night.”

Last night was her mistake and Efe would not allow it to be held over her head. She stood and turned her back to Kevwe. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

He was suddenly standing right behind her, gripping her arms, his voice intense. “But I do. I want to know why you agreed for us to have sex?”

Efe spun away. “Don’t tell me you didn’t want that too? If I recall correctly, you started it all! I just didn’t feel like stopping you.”

“So I was just a warm body in your bed?” Kevwe was stung. She had forgotten everything he said before they ended in bed. He’s bared his heart last night and had thought they were on the same page. To find out now that it was merely physical for her, and also temporary, he shook his head. He looked back at her. “I want you to tell me something before I leave. Are you really dating or engaged to that guy – what’s his name again?”

Efe was completely lost. She didn’t know what he was talking about.

He picked up his jacket and rifled through the pockets, walking towards her. When he got closer, she saw the business card between his fingers. He held it out till she took it.

“Stanley Adetiba, the operations manager at Sheraton Lagos, he called you yesterday.”

“What?!” Efe spluttered, her eyes going wide.

He cut her off before she could find her thoughts. “I was in his office, so don’t deny it. He told you to book a room and that he was coming to see you this weekend…”

Efe shook herself out of the muddle, her hands going to her hips. “What is the meaning of this? Have you been monitoring me?”

“At least he wasn’t going to sleep over here at your place,” Kevwe sneered, “I wonder if I was a replacement for him. Should I read some kind of meaning into that…”

“Read whatever you like into it!” Efe felt hot and cold all over. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. How did Kevwe know about Stanley and her?

“So which of us are you two-timing here?”

Efe almost slapped him. She took a deep breath and let it out. She stomped to the door and stood, feet tapping against the carpeted floor. “I want you to leave… now!”

Kevwe scowled but stood at the same spot. It was funny how they had gone round in circles and come back to the same point as when he had arrived at her flat, where they couldn’t stand each other and could not find a way forward.

Efe paced in front of the door. So this was what Kevwe’s visit had been all about, some kind of macho competition about who would get her. Had he actually planned to seduce her so he could sleep over and prevent her from meeting Stanley? It just boggled the mind, Kevwe and Stanley in the same mental image.

Efe faced him, arms still akimbo. “You planned all this because of Stanley?”

“I already knew from my brother since last week that you were here in Abuja.” Kevwe replied with a sniff. “So don’t be facetious.”

“And don’t you dare patronize me!” By now, they were almost nose to nose. It dawned on Efe how much they hadn’t talked about. Virtually everything of their lives in the past seven years had been left unsaid. “Where do you live now? Lagos, Benin? Tell me, were you planning to come and confront me since then or just yesterday?”

Kevwe remained silent.

“Answer my question!” Efe demanded. “Were you?”

He moved towards the door but she was closer. She got there first and leaned against it.

“So you hear I may be engaged and as first fiancĂ©, you came to get yours, right? You spoke to Stanley yesterday morning, and by the evening you were here in Abuja. You really had the perfect seduction plan!”

Now he thought about it, it looked bad. He hadn’t set out to come and seduce her because she was engaged. That had just happened. When he had booked the late ticket to Abuja, there had been no solid plan. He had just wanted to talk to his twin, and he also knew he would see her. Now, he also knew that he had not wanted to take the chance that she would get married to someone else if there were any feelings left between them. But he wouldn’t tell her that in the mood she was in.

“Get out of my way, Efe,” he said quietly.

“You want to leave? Then go. Get out!” She turned and fumbled with the keys before pulling the door open. “And it seems you don’t have a life. Get one and stay out of mine!”

Kevwe heard the tears in her voice and his reawakened heart begged to stay and tell her what he truly felt, but he just couldn’t. He slung his jacket over his shoulder and left the room.

Money And Marriage: How Important Is Money In A Relationship?

“It helps to have money, but you have to truly love each other to have a successful relationship.”
The first factor that people should look at in a relationship is the compatibility of the two people. Money can often have a lot to do with that compatibility. Everyone has a different idea of how important money is in their relationship. Some people see it as necessary but not the most important thing. Others, who have a seemingly far shallower view on life, think that money is the most important thing in any relationship.
Money is obviously important to survival. In order to eat and have a roof over our heads, money has to be involved in the relationship equation. Most relationships require that there is more money than that though. People like to go out and do thing. It is nice to have some luxuries as well. Money doesn’t answer all your relationship problems though.
It helps to have money, but you have to truly love each other to have a successful relationship. You have to be willing to work through all your problems no matter what they are. Those problems might include money. You have to be willing to go through the hard times as well as the easy times.
Money is important to a certain extent in your relationship. You have to have it, but you don’t have to build your relationship around it. If you try to, your relationship will end up on some very sharp rocks and eventually it will go down like the Titanic.
Money makes our lives easier. That can’t be argued. However, you have to be careful how far you take the money issue. Money can destroy a relationship and so can lack of it. You have to make money important in the relationship and lack of money in a relationship meet in the middle somewhere. Both can destroy what you have together. Too many relationships take a nose dive because of the money factor.
Remember what is truly important in your relationship. You didn’t know how much money the other person had when you started dating them. The reverse is true as well. You fell in love without money being a major factor. If you look at money as a necessity to live instead of a factor in your relationship, your relationship will be better off. You obviously have to have money, but it doesn’t have to have a huge impact on where the relationship ends up. You have a choice, let it destroy your relationship or leave it out of the relationship factor.
I hope this post helped, for all your relationship, dating and marriage problems, comment pls

Lagos Ocean Surge: 6 bodies discovered, more missing

Following yesterday's Ocean surge at Kuramo Beach, 3 bodies, including that of a 6 year old child, were recovered from Bar Beach today...making it a total of 6 bodies so far recovered. At least 10 more are still missing.

The surge started on Friday night but became dangerous at about 7 yesterday morning. The surge leveled the Kuramo Beach and swept away fun seekers, fishermen and people occupying illegal shanties at the beach front. Some environmental activists are blaming the recent incident on the abandoned shipwrecks in the ocean. The surge is one of the worst we've had in recent time.

Governor Fashola has ordered the immediate demolition of structures at the beach and relocation of residents who stay in the illegal shacks around the beach.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Trailer Falls on Taxi Along Airport Road

This was seen early this morning along Airport Road by 7/8 bus stop. Fortunately there was no one in the taxi when the accident happened. Some of these trailers belong in a museum and not on the roads!

Ramadan fast continues after failure to sight new moon

The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Dr. Muhammed Sa'adu Abubakar announced on NTA Sokoto yesterday night that the Ramadan fast will continue through the weekend after failure to sight the new moon of Shawwal.

Muslims had hoped to conclude their fast last night and break it with the Eid-el-Fitr (Sallah) celebrations on Sunday.

Is this 'non-sighting of new moon' all over the world, or just in Nigeria? And does this mean there's no public holiday Monday and Tuesday?

Friday, 3 August 2012

Fashola Signs New Taffic Bill Into Law

Gov. Babatunde Fashola of Lagos State on Thursday in Ikeja signed the Lagos State Road Traffic Bill into law.
The governor assented to the bill at a ceremony attended by members of the executive council, top officials of the police and those of other traffic management agencies.
Fashola said the new law was a holistic review of the state's traffic law of 2003, adding that it was designed to ensure safety on the roads. He said that the growth of Lagos into a mega city with large migration into the state had resulted in traffic congestion, saying that the new law was one of government`s strategies to manage the situation.
“This new law is also the state government`s intervention to the alarming statistics of road accidents, especially those caused by reckless driving and activities of commercial motorcyclists.
“From records at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), 722 accidents were reported, comprising 568 males and 154 females between January and July this year.
“At our Toll Gate Trauma Centre, 254 accidents, which resulted in 35 deaths, were recorded during the same period. Fifty per cent of the cases were caused by okada riders, 27 per cent of the victims were passengers and 23 per cent pedestrians.
“These are alarming figures and we cannot afford to allow this to continue, hence our intervention with this law. “ he said.
Fashola sought residents’ voluntary compliance with the law, emphasising its real objective was to improve the traffic situation rather than putting people in jail.
He pledged that his government would strictly implement the law, assuring that offenders would be given fair hearing and would be accorded the right to defend themselves during prosecution.
Mr Ade Ipaye, Attorney-General and Commissioner of Justice, said the law sought to promote the life expectancy of residents as it would significantly reduce congestion.
Ipaye added that the law would address the safety and security issues associated with operations of commercial motorcyclists and illegal use of vehicles in the state.
He said the law would not be implemented immediately, adding that a lot of public enlightenment would be carried out while copies distributed to residents.
The new law, clearly spelt’s out what now constituted traffic offences in the state, as well as the penalty each attracted.
According to the document, trailers, with the exemption of fuel tankers and long passenger trucks are now prohibited from entering into or travelling within the metropolis from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Violators risk impoundment of their vehicles and payment of N50,000 fine or six months imprisonment.
Another salient provision of the law is the prohibition of eating, counting money, making phone calls and engaging in other dangerous activities while driving, prescribing a fine of N30,000 for violators.
Other highlights included the ban on operations of commercial motorcycles and tricycles on major bridges, Ikorodu Road, Funsho Williams Avenue, Apapa-Oshodi Expressway, Lagos-Badagry Expressway and Lekki-Epe Expressway.
It also compelled commercial bus drivers and their conductors to wear identification tags while property owners are also compelled to report cases of abandoned vehicles in their vicinity or risk punishment.
Officials of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) are empowered to administer breathylizers on drivers to detect their drunkenness while owners of commercial vehicles are compelled to obtain operating licences from government.

It is less than three days to the end of the 2012 Big Brother Africa star game reality show and heart are certainly beating very fast. Everyone is anxious to know the winner of the game.The reality show would close on Sunday August 5 in South Africa.
Most countries are already drumming massive support for their citizens. About two days ago the biggest trend on the big brother show has to do with President Odinga of Kenya called on all citizens of the country to bombard Prezzo with their votes.
Almost all the housemates have a good chance of going home with the $300,000 star prize.
Who will be the BBA winner for 2012? Talia seem to have a good chance.The housemate from Zambia have proved her worth as a celebrity in the making.The graphic designer is regarded as the prettiest in the 2012 edition. The voting pattern in the house has so far favoured her above all the other housemates.Since she came into upville, she has never been nominated for eviction.
Strangely, the winner could be the ‘strange’ woman in the house- Lady May!
Unlike before when Nigerians won the star prize in three consecutive years,this years own is going to be different.The last housemate from Nigeria was Goldie and she got evicted some weeks back.
Trueteepsy is asking the question, who can predict the winner of the 2012 Big Brother Africa?

Teju Babyface and Tobi Banjoko Set to Wed on September 1st

The popular comedian and MC Teju Babyface and Tobi have been dating for a while. Tobi; an undergraduate of  Lagos State University, a Model, Make-up Artist, and Beauty Queen Aspirant. Teju Babyface proposed to her on February 14th this year.
Tobi also won the Lagos Carnival Beauty pageant in 2010, before representing Ondo state at last year's Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria pageant, where she won the Miss Photogenic crown. 

The comedian will tie the knot with his fiancée on September 1st , 2012.

Congratulations to them!!!


The United States on Thursday [Aug 2] night knocked off Nigeria’s D’Tigers 156-73, in the highest scoring basketball game in Olympic history.
Nigeria set the record for conceding more than 100 per cent of the points scored by a team. It was a game in which Olympic scoring records were broken across the board, reports NBA Circle.
Carmelo Anthony scored 37, surpassing the US record of 31 by Stephon Marbury, on 10/12 from three point land, also a US record, in just 14 minutes.
The US shot 29/46 from 3 (a record) & 30/37 from inside the arc on 41 assists (tying the Olympic record). The 156 US points surpassed the Olympic record of 138 by Brazil and the 83 point differential is a US Olympic record.

The final score of 156 points is the U.S highest winning scoring while 83 point differential is a U.S Olympic record.
The sensational win featured 37 points from Carmelo Anthony for a U.S Olympic individual scoring high.
No fewer than 12,000 spectators gathered on Thursday to watch the keen Group A basketball game between both sides at the Olympic basketball arena in London.
The game was another dismal outing for Nigeria’s D’Tigers, two days after their defeat by Lithuania. The USA-Nigeria game ended ‎​49-25 in the first quarter and was 78-42 at half-time.
The third quarter ended ‎​119-62 in favour of U.S, with Nigeria showing no sign of improving. The game ended U.S 156 Nigeria 73.
Despite the loss, Nigeria still remains the highest scoring African basketball team at the Olympics so far.